Raspberries Shopping Assistant

A new way to shop

The present-day shopping experience can be stressful and aggravating to some. Especially for introverts shopping may be challenging for a number of reasons, such as invasive staff, crowded clothing stores and a lack of self-efficacy. What about letting the customer decide when they need assistance?

The Digital Shopping Assistant helps them do just that. The digital help desk bridges the gap between customers and salespeople by letting the customer decide when, and what for, they need help. For this project at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), we decided to use the Rodebjer brand as an example product. Below you can find the UX-workbook that takes you through the Double-Diamond Model that we used to conceptualize Raspberries. The workbook takes you through the different design phases in that model, from original ideation and conceptualization to wireframing, prototyping, testing and evaluation.


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